Sunday, November 4, 2012

Not enough winter clothes to hide the fat!

I'm finally coming back around to the acceptance that I'm ready to start focusing on my dieting/health again. If you remember around the end of September, I pretty much quit. (you can read about it here) I haven't lost any weight this past month... the numbers have fluctuated up and down but overall... I'm pretty much maintaining my current weight. Not gaining = good,!right?

A little over a week ago I was standing in my closet and looking at all my summery clothes and thinking 'UGH!! I'm tired of these clothes. I can't wait until it gets colder and I can cover up all my fat with baggy comfy warm sweaters!'...... fast forward a bit and the weather getting colder, I go get wintery clothes and realize I need to go shopping! Sweaters can be a little baggy and loose, but there comes a point where you look like you're drowning in fabric... ok so I wasn't quite drowning, but most of my shirts were a like a size or two too big. (yay!) Fast forward again to me in the store. I thought I'd be happy and overjoyed and have one of those magical movie shopping trips where everything wonderfully fits better.... I know, I'm ridiculous sometimes... whatever. However, I found myself still struggling with the same issues as before. More fabric can cover up fat, but the truth is it doesn't hide it.

That was the first moment since late September that I realized I really can't quit on this. While I've come a long way, I'm not satisfied and I'm certainly not done... maybe its time to start thinking about jumping back on the wagon? I have this future goal of losing at least 50 pounds by the time I turn 30. That will be March 2014. About a  year and a half away. Totally doable... if I get focused and work towards it.

My goal now is to do my best until Thanksgiving. (I'm thinking little short-term chunks of time right now.)

I need to:
-- Get back on track with meals instead of snacking here and there
-- Drink more water
-- kick my sweet tooth habit at night
-- not buy ice cream... it just feeds my need for something sweet.
-- Try to be more active. As cool weather sets in my excuse for it being too dang hot outside is fading.

And just keep moving forward....


  1. Christen!

    I LOVE your little NEED-TO-LIST. So get on with it, my friend!

    I noticed your said quit snacking. Have you considered 5-6 small meals vx 3 full meals? Some people have better success with that meal layout. Then you're replenishing your body with smaller meals throughout the day rather than just the 3 meal times.

    Sweet tooth? Ummmmm...I have GINORMOUS bag...and I mean its HUGE of candy sitting on my dresser from Halloween. I've collected candy from friends too. Gwyn's Girl Scout troop is making packages for single sailors deployed over the holidays. However...its VERY hard to walk by the bag...about 50 times a day...and not grab a bite-size piece of candy. Groan...I'll admit...I eat candy a good amount during the day. I even hide the wrappers from the kids so they don't give me grief about eating too much candy...LOL.

    I have a friend who counts calories. She posted on FB the other day, " it bad that I am trying to saving as much of my calories today for a XYZ latter from Starbucks...???" LOL...funny, but you can do the same. Save your calories for your sweet tooth. Or look into some low carb desserts. I know there are a lot out there and they are actually very tasty!

    Have you considered setting a goal of doing an event or something? When I started running I looked up local 5K runs and I decided on one that was 3 months away. Many 5K runs, also include a 5K walk, that starts after the runners take off. Start with a 5K walk, but do it. It felt so amazing to run my first race. I didn't come in first or anything, but my goal was to run the whole thing without needs to stop and catch my breath. Set the goal to walk an entire 5K. Then do another race and another and another.

    I have found that the gym is where I have to really grind my teeth when it comes to running on the treadmill. I hate it...just running in place. Even if I am watching Live with Kelly, I have to force myself to get to the 5k. I'd much rather go to a trail or around the local lake. feels easier to do the 5k if I am running from point A to point B. Look for some local trails.

    Another tip...when you go to the mall, grocery store, whereever, park the car at the farthest point from the front door. Its an easy to to slip in some additional walking. Only time I would avoid aon a rainy day. There is nothing like finishing up grocery shopping, getting to the exit and see that a monsoon came in.

    Tough times clothing shopping?? "Skinny" girls have issues too. LOL. Woman that are thin, you know, the ones YOU look at and say, "I wish I was her size..." Well, that woman, looks at the woman that are on Hollister Ad campaigns or Ambercrombie & Fitch ads, and we say, "I wish I was her size..." I would definitely aim for clothing that fits you. Stay away from strips...that go an any direction. Baggy is a misconception to hiding just end up looking like you're hiding. Wear jeans that fit, not too tight, but not loose on your bum.

    Anyway...keep it up! I'm cheering for you!

    1. I love you, Kori. You truly are my most favorite cheerleader :) Thank you for always reminding me to stick it out!
