Thursday, September 20, 2012

To Blog, or Not To Blog

To blog or not to blog?... If I'm being honest here... I've pretty much fallen off the wagon. It started with a weekend of really yummy food while celebrating and after that I just couldn't seem to get my dieting mojo back. 

I'm not going all crazy binging all the time or anything but I'm not counting all my steps or calories. I've stepped on the scale and seen the numbers go up a few pounds in the last 2 weeks, but the funny thing is... I didn't really care. I have just kind of felt... burned out from always aiming for perfection. (If you know me, you know that I will never aim for anything less)

I still have my health knowledge "on" and make better decisions where I can, but I think as of right now.... I'm just going to take a break until I'm ready to commit 100% again. I know some commitment is better than none, but I feel like this long term perfectionism way of life is making me hate food (and myself for lack of willpower).

I don't see this as failure in the least bit, but more of an at peace feeling with myself - being able to take a break and not be in fear of returning to the unhealthy and sad lifestyle I have lived in the past. And I know that this 'break' is only temporary... I still have weight loss goals I want to conquer (and will conquer someday).

So, if you don't hear anything from me for a while... I'm still here... I'm just enjoying a little peace/piece and goodness in my life ;)

1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine how frustrating and struggline it can feel to want something so badly and then it barely feels like anythning happens after such hardwork.

    Just don't swing back to the dark side. Try to just keep it all in moderation and get in some exercise too.

    And just to be sure, have you been checked out medically? It would be a crapshoot if there is another reason that is holding back progress for you. Love ya!
