Monday, August 20, 2012

Breaking even: No loss, no gain... And Greek yogurt

It's frustrating to be working towards something with little to no results. I still do my walking on the treadmill (in my fabulous bike shorts ;) I actually make myself take them off after because I could seriously wear them all day long.)

I try to eat with good intentions,but it isn't perfect. I have a hard time because...... Well it doesn't really matter "because"..... Often times I feel like I eat what I eat because it's easy or it's there. I don't do the fast food chains but I'll make a peanut-butter sandwich and chips for a meal. No dirty dishes! I've gotten relaxed on tracking my foods. I go through phases where I'm so good. And others where it's barely there.

I'm committed to start my tracking again tomorrow and see if it doesn't help me pick up the slack a little. I feel like when I do the math of calories in vs. calories out... I should be losing! But I have nothing to show for it on the scale!.... You can look at weight loss any way you want to, but when it comes down to it, weight loss is simple math. Calories in vs. Calories out.

I did learn one thing today while browsing the Internet... From my highest (known) weight... I've lost 23% of my body weight! :) no too bad, huh?... I'd like to lose around a total of 40-45% body weight total. so I still have some work to do!!

Last little bit I'm going to write tonight is a small plea... Hoping there is someone like me out there.... Greek yogurt! I know it's a good food. Tasty. High in protein and a all around good food to cook with. All the fitness and nutrition experts tend to treat it like it's the new super food. I get it. I do, ok?........ BUUUUUUT My body hates dairy! what's a girl to do? I look up diet/healthy recipes I think I'll like and i have a hard time Finding ones without it. :/

I followed bob harpers skinny rules for about a week and a half (still enjoy some of his recipes actually) but his plan was FULL of Greek yogurt! That man probably had it running through his veins! I had to quit because my stomach threatened to kill me if I had any more yogurt. Ever.

i don't think I'm asking too much here. What is a lactose sensitive, trying to eat healthy, girl to do?? any suggestions??.... (Don't even mention goat milk or goat yogurt, please. *gag*)


  1. At whole foods there is a "greek yogurt" made with almond milk. Might be worth a try. Also, my husband has lost 140 pounds, all natural (excersise and diet) and swears by protein shakes. Buy a protein powder, mix it with ice, water, powdered peanut butter and a bannana and there you go! Could solve the protein problem! I read your blog when I see you have updated it and all I can say is Keep up the good work! You, yes YOU, can do this! :) I was my husbands cheerleader for 4 years - I saw his day in and day out struggle and I have also been able to see the fruits of his labor! So, keep it up! You can check out his website too as a resource and encouragement if seeing someone elses story is motivating! Keep blogging, You got this!! :)

    1. Thank you Katy! I'm headed to HEB today and I am definitely going to check out the protein mixes. I've done them a long time ago... I'll give them another shot as a meal replacement maybe?.... Do you have any suggestions on brand? I know some of them can taste pretty bad.

      As for Almond "greek yogurt"... We drink Almond milk in our house. Love it. The yogurts that aren't milk based however (coconut & almond) haven't impressed me yet. But I haven't given the greek yogurts a try yet. Thank you for the suggestion!

  2. Hey Girl!!! I agree...YOU CAN DO THIS! Have you tried using a lactose pill prior to eating dairy? My sister used to do that before she finally quit dairy all together.

    I know I spoke with you the other day about GF. My sister actually does GF/CF. Its really not THAT big of a change in your regular meal plans. You want to watch your WHEAT intake more than anything. There are many cereals out there that are GF. You can still eat potatoes and rice. Check out glutenfreegoddess. She has some amazing recipes. The one drawback...finding a GF bread that actually tastes good. I've heard the ones in the stores are terrible. But walmart has a GF bread mix that you can use a machine or old fashioned way and its good. Do a little research and let me know what you think.

    For the treadmill. Try changing up the incline for more of a workout vs no incline. What is your weight down to now? What about biking? Biking is another GREAT way to burn off some calories. Even if you can only go around the block or down the street. A little bit at first, and then you'll be able to do more. It might be hard for you since you have two little ones. I've gotten a bike trailer that carries the babies, but its very hard if its windy or even little hills. Straight road isn't that bad. My stepdad started biking as a way to lose weight. He was close to 350 lbs. He got a cruiser bike and could barely make it down the block. Now he's lost 100+ pounds and has switched up to one of those fancy bikes in racing. He burns upwards ofr 1000+ calories a ride. Yes....I said 1000, not a typo.

    1. You gave me a lot of good tips, Kori. You're awesome. Thanks for always giving me and encouraging word. You have no idea how much it is appreciated!

      I'm thinking as the weather gets cooler I might look into getting a bike and kid trailer. I think they would enjoy it, but right now its way to hot. How far does your dad ride??

    2. When he first started, he barely made it done ONE CITY block. But he tried every day, a little more and then a little more. One mile was a HUGE accomplishment for him. Now...he does anywhere between 20-40 ONE 1-2 hours! He's down to 228 pounds, the lowest he's been for many many years. He also switched to those fancy pants expensive super light weight bikes. It makes a HUGE difference. I rode my mom's bike for an outing while I was up there. So very much easier than the cruiser bike. The idea is just get a comfortable bike and start riding. Even if it is around the block, it'll be a little more as each day goes by. Then when you're doing 20 miles in one evening...1000 calories burned feels great!

      When I am done with this baby and ready to lose my baby weight, I think I'm gonna start riding too. Love you!!

  3. Also, don't underestimate the power of stregnth training. By using weights, your body continues to burn calories even when you're not doing anything. Try checking out strength training or using small hand weights as part of a routine. While it may seem like cardio is the ONLY way to burn fat, strengthing your muscles is another way as well. Love you!
