Sunday, October 14, 2012

Healthy my way

There's a commercial out on tv right now... I can't tell you who is in it or what it's for, but when I saw it the other day, it's message to me was loud and clear. It goes something like this "carbs are bad, then fats are bad, 2000 calories, 1200, 1500 calories a day.... The information changes constantly and I'm sick of it.I'm doing healthy my way. I'm giving my body what it needs."

Ok ok so I don't have it word for word. I haven't seen it but once and my summary doesn't really do it justice, but you get the idea, right? I swear the doctors change their story on HOW you SHOULD lose weight every few years as fad/breakthrough diets pass through. Carbs make you fat.... SOME carbs are ok... Eat whole grain... Blah blah blah

A month ago (or so.. I don't remember) I decided to take a break from blogging my weight loss story because I was just burnt out. I had to take a break from the constant tracking, analyzing and judging. The pressure I was putting on myself was wearing on me.

I quit getting on the scale every day... I know, I'm obsessive. And I quit focusing on the numbers. I only got on the scale to make sure that the numbers weren't going up and I wasn't undoing the hard work I had done losing those pounds.

However something is changing. I got on the scale the other day and realized I have lost 3.4 pounds! I know it's not a lot and it's a slow loss, but I have finally broke the barrier that I struggled with so badly (275) I'm now 273.3. :) yay

And honestly... If you asked me what I was doing to lose weight... I have no idea. My brain knows what is good for me and what's junk. I try to make the good outweigh the junk. That's it. I now know that I can't pay attention to what some health statistician is saying is the key to weight loss. He doesn't know me or my life situation. Sometimes cinnamon toast crunch is a perfectly fine dinner for mommy in my house. And i think I haven't felt the compulsion to binge because of that. I don't deprive myself of very much.

Just wanted to let you know that things are going well :) I'm not gaining all my weight back or going crazy. I would be overjoyed to just maintain, honestly. But to actually be losing?... That is a turn of events I did not expect. Slow, but still something :)

1 comment:

  1. Great job, my friend. I saw the pics on FB of you in the blue dress. You look great. I could see a difference. I think its OK to take a long as you don't swan dive from the wagon. LOL.

    I agree...there is/are so many diets, fads, etc etc...and etc that its enough to make one's head spin at the possibilities. I've alway thought "good ole healthy diet and exercise" will get the job done. Yes, many of those fad diets do work...but you've starved yourself of some form of food in order to lose the weight. A person didn't gain weight over night, or in one was over time...and so it shall be the same in coming off.

    I've always liked reading the stories in People magazine that lost 100+ pounds by just changing the way they eat and getting into an exercise routine. I think changing your exercise routine is important too, one form might work for a while, but then changing it up as your body fights to keep the "extra cushioning."

    Just keep yourself "in check" throughout the days and weeks and you'll be fine.
