Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Magic weight loss

I sit here tonight in the midst of yet another "brand new/ life changing diet book"... I'm not going to go completely over board with crazy promises or believe that my goal weight will finally be reached if I only eat cabbage for 3 years. I feel like I'm too seasoned of a dieter to get caught up in that type of hype. (I can't decide if being so educated by experience is a good thing or a bad thing)

All that said, this book isn't ridiculous. I'm reading Chris powell's 7 day carb cycling solution. He is the amazingly supportive and positive trainer on the extreme weight loss makeover tv show. It is inspiring to watch the transformations each week. (the show is off air now, to return again this summer I think?) Chris has his own version of how and what you need eat to loose weight. While I'm not learning a lot of new information on nutrition from his book, I'm gaining the fresh inspiration and a drive I desperately need to get myself back on the wagon.

I know I'm not the only one who struggles with weight around here. I want to share a passage from the book with you that really stuck with me today. "let's picture you at your goal weight. The clock goes off at 6am and you turn off the alarm. You're still tired and slowly get out of bed. But something is different. You put your feet on the floor and realize that you've finished your weight loss journey. Your body feels light. Your skin tight against your muscles. You reach up and stretch, then scratch your belly, feeling hard muscles of a tight 6 pack. Your abs, stomach and legs are lean and toned. You've reached your goal weight.... Feel what its going to be like to lead that transformed life."

I loved this passage because of the simple reality it made me feel. Picture in your head the day you step on the scale to see that once only imaginary number and honestly tell me you don't imagine a rose colored world all around you? A little fireworks perhaps? Glorious clothes filling your closet to choose from, a bikini that would make Hollywood ladies jealous? ... The truth is, your life will be mostly the same. Magic number weight loss isn't going to change your life. Be the person you want to be today. Don't wait for a future date to change yourself.

Just my two cents of wisdom tonight :)

1 comment:

  1. Christen, look at what you've accomplished in the last year of dieting. Where were you a year ago, two years ago?

    I can only imagine how hard it must be to struggle with wanting to see results fast...rather than slowly...ever so slowly...the numbers go down.

    Have you taken up the biking yet? I know there are days you drop Mad and Emma off at preschool. I would use that time to go for a nice long bike ride. Then you don't have to owrry about pulling a trailer with Mad in it, which can be tough. Jumping rope is another great cardio exercise - although its not always easy to do either. Somehow, over the years, I've forgotten how to hula hoop...LOL. I've always found that getting an awesome playlist of songs together would actually push me harder during my runs. I googled "running playlists" and found a whole bunch. I have some Christian and some mainstream songs. But they all have a great fast pump-it-up beat. I love blasting it in my ears and pushing through the run. Dang...I really miss it now that I talk about it.

    Do you have a daily schedule you follow for the house and kids? Perhaps setting a schedule, nothing ground into concrete, of course. But perhaps, if you schedule exercise, it won't feel like such a chore. Can the kids kids go to preschool fulltime, or 5 mornings a week? Then you can have time to workout, maybe grocery shop, run some errands, without the kiddies.

    Another idea. Put of a pic of you from a year ago...hundred pounds heavier. Put it on the fridge as a reminder of what you're working on. Or...go buy the next size down in jeans. Hang the jeans in your room so you can see them everyday - your goal is to get into them obviously...without jumping, groaning or using a hanger to zip it up :D

    And, finally, I think the blog needs a side-by-side picture of you. One from hundred pounds ago and one current.

    Miss ya. Love Kori
