Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy Happy morning!

Happy happy morning it is! :) Stepped on the scale this morning and I lost 2 1/2 pounds last week! 274.2 ... thats right :) Lower than I've been in the last ...well... lets just say many many years! :) happy happy day!

Confession though: I didn't follow my diet plan exactly... I don't usually like to be the one whining, but... the beginning of the week was really... really hard for me. I kept craving things I shouldn't eat. I swear my mind was holding a protest. But in the last few days of the week, I did better and felt good enough to quit sabotaging myself. Happy dieting nirvana :)

I'm looking forward to next week and seeing what I can accomplish with all 7 days on track :)

Also.... I wanted to share with you what I put up on my bathroom mirror this week. its been an inspiring phrase for me.

Yesterday is over... whats done is done and can't be undone. You are given the chance of today to right your wrongs and 'Be better than you were yesterday'.

I've begun to have a deeper understanding that we've been put on this earth to strive be the best person that we can be and do what we can to leave the world a better place.( It may not be news to you. Its just been on my mind a lot.) I don't necessarily mean pollution or recycling wise. That is good too, but I mean trying to change the world on a personal level. What have you done lately to make someone else's day better? especially when it is of no benefit to you? for someone you love? For a complete stranger?

Last weekend I went out to dinner with my best friend (and kids in tow too). As we were walking out, an older woman stopped me and told me what good children I had and how impressed she was that they were so well behaved. I can't tell you what a difference it makes in your day, as a mom, when someone notices you.Do me a favor and pass that feel good vibe on to the next mom you see in the checkout line without a child who is screaming their head off... or if you're really brave, give it to the mom who DOES have a screaming child and isn't losing her temper.... tell her she is doing a good job. She is the one who really needs it.

Ok... thats all I have today! :) Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy some time outside (if weather permits!) Its beautiful here where I am! <3

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