Sunday, December 16, 2012

Holiday dieting... whats your take?

Ok so I've had an internal battle the last few weeks about whether dieting durring the holidays is really worth it or not. Does anyone else have conversations in their heads with themselves?... At least for me, the conversation in my head sounds like this:

-"Um... Excuse me? are you going to eat... THAT?"
-"...But I like cookies."
-"Enough with the slacking off! You have goals in mind that need finishing. You can eat cake after you reach your goal." (I know.... totally crazy, but this is the 'perfect me' side of myself talking here)
-"But I like cookies... and theres a party on Saturday where its totally going to be impossible to stay on healthy track and dinner with (someone...) on Wednesday. No time to cook some days... Its the holidays..."
-"....and? There is Thanksgiving DAY and Christmas DAY. Not 'yay for 2 free months of excuses!' "
-"I feel like the dieters guilt isn't even worth it. Do perfect one day and completely blow it the next 2 days. The scale is all over the place and its depressing. Why Bother?"
-"Because come next year you'll be wishing you hadn't skipped over 2 months... theres always going to be SOMETHING that gets in the way. you have to learn to move past it and realize its just food. Food that holds you back from your goal."
-"I see your point... but I like cookies....."

What are your thoughts on dieting during the holidays? I'm not saying lose all self control and gain 10 pounds, but... Is it worth the constant fight and torture while there are so many goodies around or is it best to just go easy and worry about it when January comes??

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