Monday, November 12, 2012

Discipline vs. Regret

Can you believe how close thanksgiving is?? Seems like just yesterday it was Halloween and I was getting super excited about the holidays and reminding myself every 2 seconds that it was too early to put up the Christmas tree!! Now thanksgiving is around the corner! YIKES!

I'm determined to not gain 1 pound this holiday season. not one! and still OCCASIONALLY indulge in the treats of the holiday season :) I ran across this quote:

"We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons." -Jim Rohn.

....speaks truth doesn't it? 'regret weighs a ton'....In the end you'll be more upset by the things you didn't do than the things you did do. 

In case you're curious.... This is the new book I've been reading on carb cycling.
There isn't any ground breaking nutritional science to it... just a different way to explain the same old stuff... but I'm still learning things. I'm learning how the body works to process the foods you eat in combination with other foods. basically why you should eat ____ with ____. 

If you're looking for something motivational and very clear.... If you need to lose 30 pounds or 300 pounds.... This is it. The beginning of the book is about preparing your mind for your transformation before you start transforming your body. I recommend it. (and FYI, for those other people who, like me, don't tolerate lactose and milk very well.... you're good with this diet!)

The only thing I'm struggling with right now is how to start a diet right at the beginning of one of the most unhealthy seasons of the year! lol yikes! Oh well... not going to be weighed down by regret this year! :) 

Hope your holiday plans are going well so far... enjoy some time outside in this lovely weather! Unless of course you live way up north and its freezing and knee deep in snow... then, by all means, you're excused!

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