Monday, August 13, 2012

Positive Milestones

I feel like the only time lately that I really feel like sitting down and writing my blog is when I'm down. Its such an easy way to release pent up feelings and just let it all hang out. I haven't had a lot of weight loss lately... except the same 7 pounds that comes on and gets lost over and over again... I know my last post was rather depressing and a bit of a downer (thats an understatement... I know!)... but the truth is sometimes life sucks and its going to happen. Its not about how many times you fail or fall down... its about how many times you get back up again, right?

I feel like sharing something tonight that is definitely a happy milestone for me. Last night I went to a concert with my best friend. I can't tell you the last concert I went to but I know it was way before my son was born and he is 15 months.... so then that's at least like 2 years ago? maybe more? We had originally gone the cheap route and had lawn tickets, brought the blanket and prepared ourselves for a long night of sitting on the ground. Not desired, but doable. When we got to the Pavilion, apparently they didn't sell enough seats because they were offering upgrades for $10. A real seat over the ground and NOT $85?... yes, please and THANK YOU! WOO!

Now I don't know how many of you really understand this, but when you're over weight, stadiums and arena/theater chairs can sometimes be quite intimidating and rather uncomfortable because you don't fit well. Its embarrassing! Not to mention the uncomfortable looks from people who have to sit next to you sometimes. They give you this look like... oh, this night is going to suck, I have to be squished next to the fat girl all night.... embarrassing was too nice of a word. Mortifying covers it a little better. Some people can be so mean. Call me crazy, but moments like that make me really wish that karma is 100% real and they'll have their day too. Just my two cents.

ANYWAYS... So we went to our seat and immediately I saw our seats were next to a family, the dad was next to my open seat. Oh boy, here we go. I sat down expecting to totally invade his "space" and feel the metal of the chair push back against me as I squeezed in.... to my (complete) surprise.... it was comfortable. I had not one issue whatsoever. I didn't feel like I was crammed into the seat like there was no tomorrow. I didn't feel like I was a bother to him...... other than the usual sitting so so close to complete strangers when you have no idea of their hygiene habits..... or is that last part just me? I mean, I know my extra fat bothers me. But for once it was such a relief to know that it wasn't a huge imposition to someone else.

I remember one specific concert years ago at the same pavilion where I was so uncomfortable in the chairs and very much invading the chair space of my family around me. again mortifying.

It was such a nice addition to the evening. On top of that, there were quite a few stairs and a bit of walking. I had another proud moment when we got to the car and I realized I hadn't been winded at all that night. 

So yeah, this post may seem like its about a chair and sitting too close to a stranger and then some walking, but its about so much more. Its about those times when the sun shines through your rain clouds and its nothing but a great moment where I felt completely blessed and so pleased to visibly see the progress I've made.  

Excuse the sunshine and rainbow-y feel good sugar coated happiness... the concert was Jason Mraz and I'm still feeling a little poetic and hippy like, I guess :) Goodnight, y'all!

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