Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bike Shorts

I finally broke down and got myself a set if work out good clothes. I ordered them online. The shirt, I wasn't happy with. I'll be sending it back. But I did my treadmill, stretching and arm exercises this morning wearing my new bike shorts. Um where have these been in my life for the last 20 years????

I remember wearing them in elementary school. (that's right, I was stylin'!) then I gave them up and started wearing real clothes.... Until today. Hello every single imperfection hugging level of comfort! (dont picture it. You'll burn your eyes out) Side bar: do I still call them bike shorts if I seriously never intend to actually bike in them?? Are they just shorts then?

I'd like to announce that I'm officially back to the scale hovering at 276-277 again and OUT of the mid 280s I kept creeping up to last week. I wish I could just break whatever this desire to my body has to hold on to these mid 70s. I held on the the 280s for dear life for a while too.... My body is apparently attached to my fat. My mind however, would like it An Endless battle, I suppose. :/

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