Monday, March 25, 2013

Get Off My Lawn, Easter Bunny!

(FYI... this first part is venting. feel free to skip ahead if you like...)

Thats right.... YOU... Easter Bunny, get off my lawn! Your cute cotton tail and all the happy colors. Your parade of pretty candy ALL OVER EVERY storefront and (of course) all on sale... I've had it... Its enough to make a girl go crazy. I've fallen and consumed (more than) my share of recces peanut butter cups and M&Ms... and I hate that the candy is exactly the same as it is all year round, but it looks so much more appealing when they put it in festive colors :( Easter Sunday isn't even about bunnies. its about the love Christ has for us and his amazing grace. The fact that we are saved by Him and will spend eternity with Him..... all this candy floating around in pastel disguises is just impossible! Every time I turn around its another candy related holiday! ahhhhh!

(ok. Easter candy rant is over....)

As of this evening, there are..............

- 19 days until the 5K run I signed up for.
- 27 days until my little sister's wedding
- 88 days until its officially "summer" (June 21) but we live in the south... bathing suit season is pretty much right after Easter...
- about 7-8 months until our big family trip to Disney World
- and 346 days until my 30th birthday. Yikes :/

I've made the same promise to myself probably 100 different times. "I will not spend my 30s like I did my 20s. I will not be fat and unhealthy. I will lose the extra weight and be lighter." 

I want to be healthier in my 30s than I was in my 20s. Is that too much to ask for??... given how my 20s were spent getting sicker and sicker and then getting well at an almost glacial pace? I'd like to think its not too much to ask for.

I have lost a lot of weight so far... I'm just not where I thought I would be right now. I'm not satisfied yet. I want more.  (this is all weight related talk by the way.... everything else in my life is good. no major approaching 30 crisis ;)

I really need the encouragement to keep pursing my goal of losing more weight. I have so many reasons why I should... and no reasons why I shouldn't.

I'd LIKE it if I could lose another 50 pounds.
I'd LOVE it if I could lose 80 the moment I'd be over joyed to see 10 pounds gone.

1 comment:

  1. "...I really need the encouragement to keep pursing my goal of losing more weight. I have so many reasons why I should... and no reasons why I shouldn't..."

    Reasons why you SHOULDN'T continue to lose weight;

    1. ...because shopping in the plus section is FUN and FULFILLING...
    2. ...because you LOVE the way you look and feel about your body RIGHT now...
    3. ...because SATAN is a force to be reckoned with and if he can accomplish making you feel and eat like crap...than that's a good thing, right?
    4. ...because you should not role model good eating and exercise to your children, they'll figure it out on their own.
    5. ...because the feeling of judgement that shoots out of soceity's eyes when they see you, their assumption that you have no self-control...

    Ok, so maybe I was being a little dramatic, but you get the point. And I want to make sure you understand, my rant above was in complete satire [drip drip].

    Let's take a look back to a year ago. How much did you weigh one year ago? Two years ago? How much weight have you lost since you started actively pursuing weight loss?

    What is your current excercise schedule? I know you're training for your first 5k [and I might add...I'm completly jealous!!!] Next week, I will be able to start back into some serious exercising since Ken will be home. Anyway, are you sweating it out for at least an hour each day? Tell me, what is your weekly routine? Love ya and I can't wait to see you in November!!!!!
