Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Are you up for a challenge?

I'm initiating my own little challenge here. My hubby is going to be out of town for his job and I'll have some time on my hands to really focus on my weight loss goals. 

This month I am going to be "Rock Star Mommy"! Don't laugh.... (ok maybe a little).... I was driving the other day and thinking about the upcoming month and what I can do to really motivate myself... when the thought came into my head, I suddenly was all like... H*LL YEAH! I CAN DO THIS! Not only will this be about tackling my weight loss, but I'll also be doing the parenting thing solo for a while (with the help of my awesome friends and family, of course). and you know what?... I'm gonna ROCK IT! :)

You are welcome to join me if you like! If you do decide to join me, I highly recommend telling someone your goals (even if its me!). How many times have you been pumped and made yourself a promise after dinner to get on track, start exercising again etc... but then come morning... you decided you just weren't feeling it anymore? We've all been there.... stick with me. Decide this time will be different. Its just ONE month. Quit the junk food. Eat what your body needs. If you do nothing more than that, your body will thank you and if you exercise, you will see a different person one month from today. Picture it.... are you excited? ... I am! :)

(If you're curious) Here is what I'm doing:
I found a few simple exercises I'm really going to focus on doing in addition to walking on the treadmill. My aim is switch off arms and legs, doing one each day each day for 6 days and then take a day off. If you see me crying, its because right now... I'm kind of wimpy lol I'm going to have to work on being stronger.

*******UPDATE******** I forgot to post the link to the page that explains (in detail) each of the leg exercises I posted. AND I kind of stole her pictures too... I really should give her/them? the credit for it. they are awesome :) The Best Thigh Exercises

For the Arms.
 Do this one time (or 2 if you're already super-fit) 3 days a week.

Then for the legs.... I know this is a lot of pictures, but this woman
displays how to do each move with perfect form. 
15 reps each step, back to back, 3 days a week

If you want to do this me, or you have your own plan of attack to follow, please let me know! :) I'd love to meet up for walking one day or even just offer an encouraging phone call sometime.

Are you ready to ROCK IT?!?! ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I received a Groupon offer yesterday for the YMCA. Like 2 months for $50. Since I moved in June to Cypresswood and 249, I am really close to a Y. I have great memories of our family going to the Northwest Y on 34th St. when I was growing up. $50 is do-able and even if I only went twice a week, I am ready to do something resembling exercise to help myself.(I've lost 25 lbs since Easter)So, I'm in with you Christen! Let's Rock It!
