Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Non-Scale Victory

This week I've really pushed myself to be more active. I set a goal of at least 7,000 steps per day. Last week I averaged at about 4,000-5,000 per day. It certainly made me more conscious of making every single step count and I went a little further when maybe I didn't have to. Most days I still was falling short so I dusted off the treadmill and began adding in more steps that way. I made it happen, y'all... look! (PS: Its only noon right now. today is not finished yet)

ok ok except for June 6th, which was over the weekend that was my best friend's birthday and we totally just had fun..... I'm pretty sure I hit the 7,000 on Sunday but my fitbit died because I forgot to charge it :( *note to self: the low battery warning does NOT mess around*

You can see, yesterday (monday) I stepped it up even more to try and balance out what I missed out on saturday. whew!

I stepped up my goal to 7,500 for the next 2 weeks to keep easing into being more active every day. Eventual goal is gradually adding in more steps till I can make it to 10,000 steps or however much I can do where I still get to sleep at night.

Lets talk a little about NSV.... or non-scale victories, shall we? Because I haven't seen any difference in the scale... but I know in my head that this is good for my body and my mind to be productive towards healthy and active... even if the scale doesn't drop 30 pounds like I wish it would. Seriously, I know I've sweat out at least 10 pounds...what gives?

Early on in the week my kids had a hard time not asking me for things every 5 minutes I was on the treadmill. Its hard to keep your mojo going when you have to go get snacks and juice and toys. So I started working out after they went to sleep... but then the hubby felt like I was taking away from our time together in the evenings. How do you "fit-minded" women do it? Like, I really REALLY really want to know how you balance it out? Kid time, hubby time, self time.... fitting sleep somewhere in there?

I sat my kids down and talked with them about how mommy needs 30 minutes to complete this during the day because its important to her. I put on a movie for them to have their "rest time" and then I run to get it done before someone needs something or someone said something that hurt the other's feelings blah blah blah..... *sigh* Kids, right?

Back to my NSV moment... I took my kids to the park today I walked and circled the playground endlessly while they played. (WIN for not just sitting and working on my non-existant tan) When we got home I told the kids I was going to put on a movie for their rest time after lunch so mommy could get some computer work done. My little 4 year old piped up and said "No, mommy. You need to work on your teadmill because its important." (finger pointing, emphasis on the "YOU" and all) Nothing like being bossed around and told what to do by a 4 year old... but he gets it. He understands what important means and knows its a part of my day now.

I want my kids to see me as a mom who, despite outward appearances, really strives for health and happiness on the inside... and not because of outward appearances either. I don't see health as just a number on the scale. I see it as a trinity of peace and happiness of the mind, body and soul.

Anyone have any advice on how to balance being a mom, wife, work part time, errands, carpooling the kids around, socialization AND exercising? I KNOW people do it... please, pretty please, tell me your magic secrets? Do you just not sleep? because that is pretty much what I see it as right now.

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