Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Off the Plateau....

I'll admit that my weight loss progress lately has been anything but progress.... And its been ticking me off to NO end, but I've tried to just keep plugging along knowing that 2+2=4 and SOMETHING eventually would have to give. Meaning, I'm eating the right calories and the right foods and working out.... theres no possible way I'm doing this wrong. You can call it a plateau... I call it hell...... Then last week came my period and well... that week is just shot for actual weight loss.  

I feel like I'm turning into such a pessimist when it comes the the mind games that I believe my scale likes to play with me. "Personification" = yes, the scale seriously has it out for me and wants to ruin my day. EX: "yay! 2 pounds! awesome!" next day: "just kidding! up 3! booya!"

Thats how I normally see things.... BUT... today I let myself celebrate the fact that I'm finally back where I've been trying to get back to for soooooo long. I've been bouncing between 277-279 But I got on the scale day before yesterday and actually saw something pleasant for a change. 276. and then today 275.4 FINALLY... numbers moving down instead of staying still or, heaven forbid, going up. Its so much easier to be good and be happy about your healthy choices when seeing progress from it! Those few pounds have lifted so much weight from disappointment off of my shoulders questioning if I'm really doing all that I can.

I'm in good spirits today. I feel good. I know some other people have made some health goals. How are you doing? I feel like I haven't been there much for you because I didn't feel like I could encourage when I felt like I was failing myself. I hope you are still pumped and continuing towards your goals! :)


1 comment:

  1. YEA for Baby Steps!!!!! Have you researched any bikes yet??? How about strength training. I have no weight loss goals right now bc that would be counterproductive to my condition :D

    October 3rd, we find out whether its a boy or girl!!! Love ya!
