Thursday, July 26, 2012

Shut up, Work hard, Be patient

So yesterday morning I had an appointment with my endocrinologist. Two weeks ago, I was SO ready for this appointment. I wanted to rock it and show her how well I'd done at keeping my blood sugars under control and how much weight I had lost.... yadda yadda. (to be honest, I'm kind of a "teachers pet" kind of person. I aim for perfection. nothing less.) Always have been, I guess I always will be...... and now you can add 'crazy' to the list of my OCD tendencies. 

Now I know it may seem silly to you and even though its so not a contest or anything, I like excelling at getting my body healthy.... lets face it, I've been unhealthy for so long... I want to be healthy so bad. When its really hard to measure your progress, I look to my doctor to tell me how well I'm doing, what I need to change.... By the time my appointment came around, I was feeling a little disappointed that I hadn't lost more weight. I'll save you to sad story because when I did get on the scale in the doctor's office, I showed a 10 pound loss in 6 weeks. :) Not too bad, right? I think I've been flirting with the 275 mark for such a long time now (gaining weight with medication changes, plateaus etc at least 12 weeks time, I think)... It just didn't feel like I had made that much progress..

I also asked my doctor to run a ton of blood work, just to make sure everything is working right. I don't need any unseen battles while I'm working my tail off to lose weight. I'll get those results back soon. Fingers crossed everything is good :)

I'm not so disappointed in myself anymore. I know I have a tendency to aim really high and when those goals aren't met, its like failure to me. I didn't get where I wanted to be, but I DID NOT fail. Progress, though little it may be, is still progress.

275.4 = Today's scale numbers. (Again) I swear I'm going to have such a party when I see any numbers less than this... Enjoy your Thursday!

My mantra today.... because I know my battles are tiny compared to what other people are fighting.

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