Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dieting Naked

As I got dressed yesterday morning, I found myself wishing for the same thing I did last summer. Colder weather. Not because I don't enjoy a good warm day (though lately the Texas heat is a little of an overkill) but because I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I want to wear something that will keep me cool during the day but won't show off my flabby stomach or my large arms. Finding a happy medium seems impossible most days. ugh.

It hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't want to do this for another summer. I hate the way I can hold in my stomach in the mirror and look fantastic, but I know the moment I stop thinking about it and let my guard down, I look like the michelin man. Don't even get me started on swimwear...

I am down 20 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight and very proud of it. That is due to a very healthy me during pregnancy. I want to keep losing more. Much more. Another 33 pounds to be exact. That is just to reach my first big goal. And then I want to lose more after that...... *pause* baby steps... just baby steps for now....

I've decided to embrace the theory of "Dieting Naked"... Dieting Naked means that instead of unspoken promises to yourself to be "good" tomorrow and then eat a bowl of ice cream right before bed, you announce your intentions. You unveil yourself, diet in plain sight without shame. Now, you are accountable to someone.

I'm now accountable to you. You know my intentions. You will know the deepest desires of my heart and you have my compete permission to slap me on the wrist if you see me behaving otherwise. Thats all for now... more to come... and hopefully less as well.

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