Sunday, March 22, 2015

You Need to Remember.


Remember how you feel at this very second.

You need to remember. Do not let this disappear. You NEED to remember. 

You need to channel this inspiration. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and channel this spark of hope that things can....... that things WILL change.

Last night you had an unshakable determination in you. Determination to make today one step closer to your dreams being a reality. This morning was no different. Even though you cooked bacon for the kids breakfast (A weekend favorite).... not one crumb made it in your mouth. A victory... a tiny one perhaps, but a victory none the less. Its 10:28am and you have made a healthy breakfast for yourself. Vitamins have been consumed and today is going to be a good day. 

Things aren't always as crystal clear as they are today. Some days are harder... some days its easy to get discouraged by the large amount of work that lies ahead. But you need to stop. Stop seeing it like that. You need to turn around and see where you have already come from. Take a good look. The path that you've already traveled has been really... really tough. You have already come so far. There have been ups and down and points where you wandered aimlessly and seemingly hopelessly lost. There have been high-ways of progress and dirt roads that barely moved, but you know what?...................... You.Survived. now. this moment.

Do you know why you are here, right now? Because YOU are a fighter. YOU have that one tiny spark of difference inside you that refuses to give up and believe that THIS, where you are right now, is all you are meant to be in life. You refuse to believe that you were not meant for something much much greater than this. Something that you can not even begin to imagine right now, but you know... you just know. Its out there. if you can only reach the next hill, there is something on that horizon that will make every single ache, every frustration, every speck of blood, every single tear, every single ounce of sweat..... It will all be worth it. And one day you will look back on this moment and sigh because... it will finally make sense.

You are a survivor. You are a fighter..... and you will be a victor. 

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