Monday, September 15, 2014

I'm Back!

March 11, 2014. That was my last blog post.... I could give you the "I've just been SO busy..." excuse, but uhhh... 6 months. yeah. sorry. I've got nothing. I'm not lazy or anything, I have been really distracted with other things and while blogging has crossed my mind I knew I just couldn't handle one more thing on my plate.

My little babies are growing up so big. My oldest is in Kindergarten... kindergarten! Seriously. Its beyond not ok. She is loving it and doing so well. My youngest and I have enjoyed our time together, just us two. He is a goofball and everyday I see more of my silliness mirrored in him. Its an amazing adventure to be a parent! Did I mention we've been potty training too?? Its been CRAZY around here.

Now, onto the real reason I came back to writing... my health, weight loss, dieting.... (whatever you want to call it.) Where do I begin? How about I just wipe the slate clean and start over? Can I do that, please?

I can't explain for the life of me why its so hard to eat food that is good for me all the time. Actually... scratch that. I totally can explain it. Bad food (some of it more than others) is good and easy in most cases.  I've heard every single motivational fitness quote out there. They all speak to me on some level, but honestly... cupcakes speak to me too.

August was crazy with school starting and the universe having its own personal joke and make me PMS the same week. haha. watch Christen completely lose herself and end up mopping up her mascara stained tears every hour. not funny at all.

I have been feeling guilty for 15 days now because during all the crazy august madness, I decided that come September 1st I was going to start another whole30. (read my results post here) I wanted to jump start my health again. Then September 1st was a BBQ at my parents and it'd be just cruel to start that day... yadda yadda yadda.... Today is September 15th and today... and while I've cleaned up my diet in an effort to feel less guilty I never really started the whole30 again. SOOOOooooo starting with a clean slate today, I vow to...

STOP making excuses. I also vow to be honest with myself. In reality, another whole30 isn't even remotely possible right now. I've got to admit that to myself. I could do maybe 70% 50% whole30 lifestyle.

Now that we've kind of... (dare I say it?) settled into a bit of a back to school routine around here... there is one more thing that I need to quit clearing my schedule with and make a priority. Gym time. I can't remember if I mentioned it on here or not? I joined the YMCA over the summer. I'm LOVING it. Childcare provided and time for me to just put on my headphones and escape for a little bit. ... You read that right. And NO, I haven't lost my mind. I still don't like the working out and sweating part, but its a whole lot easier to meditate and calm crazy thoughts when you're on an elliptical machine vs. watching PBS for the 1900th time this week and aren't sure what the stain on the bottom of your shirt is.

I went this morning for the first time since school started back and it was if everything was right for about an hour. I felt the angels singing.

I want to write more. I very much appreciate those sweet friends who have checked on me to make sure I wasn't knee deep in ding dong wrappers. I'm still hanging in there. I don't have a set weight loss plan or goal... at least not right now. I will let you know if things change, but for now....


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